Summaries of My Accomplishments in 2021

2021 has been a roller coaster for me. It’s been so hard to realize that I have been through so much joy and sadness in 2021. Here are things that I think I have accomplished in 2021. I think it’s best to share it here as an inspiration for your next plans.

Beatrix Cendana
4 min readDec 27, 2021
Photo by Lital Levy on Unsplash

1. Changing career is not easy for me

I have always thought to change my career every month or year. I notice myself as a person who loves the dynamic workforce. So, one role is never enough for me. Instead, I want more and more challenges at work. However, life is not about following passion all the time. We should focus on one thing before planning to switch to something else.

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

I remember how one recruiter asked me,

“How can you handle or work on so many things? It’s good but it’s better if you choose one or two things in your life. Then, you try to focus even master on those.”

Such a piece of good advice, huh?

2. Mentoring and building community are such cool ideas

I admit that I am bad at public speaking or even mentoring somebody. However, that didn’t stop me to try to mentor in one of the design events. I was so nervous at first, but I knew that,

“ALL is well. I can get through this.”

Luckily, I was able to find many great connections there. Also, I learned from them how to mentor others. It’s such an honor to get this chance! To learn more about what I have been up to as a design mentor, feel free to view my video below.

Additionally, attending conferences inspired me to create a community where everyone can share what they have been through during the job-seeking and give a guide to people to be advanced in the workforce. It is not about the member quantity, but also, the quality of content that I can bring to them and how useful it is. I am so glad to be a part of the change.

Let me tell you a good news, two of people that I mentored got the job offer from famous companies!

3. Learning from mentors is the best experience ever!

Who says learning can only be done through YouTube or online platforms? We also need some new perspectives from others. I have two mentors, one for a design mentor and one more is for a coding mentor. I met them through the big event (e.g., mentorship program or conference).

Are you wondering how we can find them outside conference?

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

You can also find through LinkedIn connections or maybe you can try to take a look at the website. They have various mentors from different countries. Amazing, right? The Internet makes everything so easy!

4. Taking new projects is quite challenging

In 2021, I have been taking three projects and two outside work.

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

Yes, it is not easy. You have to know your team member first. Collaboration is important, then we can build trust from there. I also had to deal with different timezone and various perspectives. It would be easy if we only work with one or two people. But if we work with more than that, it would be such a hassle sometimes. We have to align our goals and how those goals can bring a difference to the projects.

Patience is also a key behind successful projects. We had to deal with failure along the road and how we overcame that with the next plan.

5. Prioritizing small things to build the big ideas

Small things will make a difference in this world.

I couldn’t agree more! 2021 has taught me to cherish small things even it’s just 30 minutes of treadmill or waking up at 6 AM every day.

Imagine, we wake up early, go shower, have lunch, and create a plan for today. Waking up leads to many healthy activities already.

How about producing big ideas? Maybe when you try to create a plan, you think of something that can change the environment, such as a plastic-free campaign?



Beatrix Cendana

❤️Nerd UX/Content Writer | Content Creator. Talk about self-dev, career, and writing topics | Let's collab: