What Pandemic Taught Me About

Beatrix Cendana
4 min readAug 15, 2021

Day passed by so fast, and school or campus will go back in person in a few months. Nevertheless, I could never move on with the things that I learn during this pandemic. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Learning to love yourself

Before the pandemic, I always focus on cooking at 5 AM, commuting to school at 6 AM, and coming back in the dawn. Everything was about work, and having a break was only during the weekend. When a pandemic hits, I have more time to stay inside the house and take care of my mental and physical health.

Waking up in the morning, I could plan what foods I should have that day and ensure I have enough nutrition to finish the day, which has several Zoom classes or webinars.

One of the webinars that I joined from Design Buddies community

Also, I have more time to do meditation in the morning. Meditation is essential to balance our minds.

2. Spending more time with family

Spending more time was so hard before the pandemic. Luckily, when my parents visited me from Indonesia, I had more time to have quality time and deepen my relationships. We had more time to play the game together, have meals together, and watch movie nights.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Short story, I rarely spent time with them in high school due to homework and school projects. Once I graduated from high school, I immediately went abroad to finish my undergraduate degree.

3. Having a better time management

Since everything moves online, I have better sleeping time and working time. I can take time to finish my work with the best results. While before the pandemic, I had to be a little bit rush in completing the work. However, there are few distractions when working during this pandemic. Phone and social media are always the things that bother me.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

That’s why I apply the Podomoro technique, a time management system where after 25 minutes of work, I have 5 minutes break, or I could say this is such a reward to look at my phone or social media. :D

4. Having more time to do things that I love

Writing articles and talking to friends are the things that I always do during the pandemic. It doesn’t only release my stress, but I can be more relaxed expressing what I have done during that day.

Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

Before the pandemic, I always had a hard time writing because getting tired after commuting or working at school.

5. Getting an opportunity to finish internships

I was so lucky that I was able to get a chance to intern in few places remotely. I gained experience in different types of fields that I never thought I could improve in. Upkey internship and SEEDS program are fantastic programs that taught me to collaborate with others.

I had an internship with one of Upkey partners.

I am an introvert, so having an online internship encouraged me to talk more with others (mentors and teammates). Also, I will be ready if I have an in-person internship program in the future.

Not only finishing the internship, but I also can practice my communication skills :).

6. Being innovative!

Because of the internship and camp that I joined, I could create beautiful products that benefit others in the future, such as the food reminder app and the environmental app (to solve the plastic issue). Here is the link to view more of one of my projects that I created individually.

Serverless API final project presentation

And lastly, I can’t wait to present my final project from tomorrow at the Serverless conference :) Cheers!



Beatrix Cendana

❤️Nerd UX/Content Writer | Content Creator. Talk about self-dev, career, and writing topics | Let's collab: https://bento.me/beatrixdiary